“I think a change would do you good” – Sheryl Crow

My trainer said something so profound this morning as I was sweating excessively doing squats on top of a bosu ball whilst holding a 10 pound weight (for someone who lacks in coordination, this workout was extremely difficult). She said that, “We can’t always do the same workout. We need to constantly change it up so that our body doesn’t get used to it but rather adapts to new challenges.”

I don’t think I’ve ever even looked remotely close to smiling like this woman while working out -_-

She explained the term “muscle memory”, where our muscles gradually become familiar with whatever type of movement or workout we consistently do, and so that is why my trainer likes to change things up for me. Just when I thought I finally got the hang of it, she adds an extra leg curl in the workout or an additional 5 pound weight for me to lift. She often reminds me, the goal is to build muscle to burn fat. And in order for me to build, I have to be challenged.

As I struggled to balance my position on that bosu ball, my mind was transfixed on her words. Similar to our everyday life, we too must always be ready for change, often attempt new challenges so that we don’t remain stagnant or become stuck in a cycle of rut.

Except if most of us are truly honest, change does not come easily. I for one, am a creature of habit. I have a routine that I religiously abide by and whenever that routine gets disrupted, I go into a frenzy. Change is NOT my strong suit. I dislike it, so much so, that I avoid it like a plague. When ironically enough, change is the only constant thing in this life. Whether we like it or not, change will always occur.

Just the other day I found myself focusing on all of the change that is going on in my life. And after 15 minutes, I wore myself out to the point of frustration. I was completely overwhelmed.

But then, always with such subtlety, I was immediately reminded of the verse, “Let us fix [focus] our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.. ” Hebrews 12:2

“While it’s okay to acknowledge the different things going on in our lives, we should only be looking intently at the One who NEVER changes. He is always faithful, always present and He always loves….all the way, all the time. ” – Priscilla Shirer

You see, at some point or another, we’ll all realize that the end goal of this life is to become more like Him. “ So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT

The more like Him we become, the better lives we live — the less stressed we get, the more loving we act towards others, and even those unexpected offenses brush off our shoulders like dandruff :).

Ultimately change is good. It’s inevitable, it will happen, stop figuring out how to by-pass it. Instead of stressing and worrying, might as well embrace it and grow through it.

Just like Dory, the fish, even if you have to remind yourself a hundred times, “just keep swimming”… or if you prefer my version, “just keep your head up, just keep maturing, just keep looking ahead”…

Your future awaits so keep on moving forward because a change can do you good!

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end

Nothing beats nature!

Every so often, I spend an entire day at the bookstore, just to gather my thoughts and write. And as I sat on the balcony observing all the bibliophiles around me, the gentle breeze reminded me that fall is just right around the corner. Summer isn’t even over yet and I’m already contemplating on changing my entire wardrobe. Is it just me or does it seem like time speeds up a little bit more every day? I almost feel like if I blink long enough, it’ll be Christmas!!

In the book of Ecclesiastes it says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven”, life is filled with seasons, what matters is that we’re fully living in the season we’re in. It never helps to compare your life with someone else’s, because you’re traveling on a different path. Unless of course you’re both running alongside each other, then that’s a whole other case in point. The more I put my focus on living one day at a time instead of thinking further down the road, the less anxiety my heart feels. Sometimes, I think it’s human nature to want to know what lies ahead and jump from one thing to the next, and oftentimes the struggle lies in just being still.

When I think of all those dear to me, I can’t help but smile at where they’re headed and how we’re all at different stages; some are in transition – newly weds, pregnant, off to college, and some are off to explore new territories, while others are in the waiting moments. But no matter, what moment of life you find yourself in, make the most of it. If one door closes, another will open. And if you’re waiting, then wait with expectancy. After all, waiting isn’t a passive word, it’s a verb! Embrace the season you’re in and you’ll find fulfillment.

Feel free to seize the day, chase after your dreams, thrive in the moment, and love extravagantly.


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